So whats been happening since i last blogged? A lot thats what. The Brewster Inn has an award winning website for starters which is excellent and theres more to come from the great design company acorn is inc a google events  calender which will tell everyone what events are going on in the area at any given time. I’m also planning on blogging more as its going to help Google and the other search engines keeping on coming back finding fresh new content to help us in our rankings so that more people find the Brewster Inn here in Dexter in the great state of Maine.

The inn is a Maine State Enviromental Leader and i’ve just been through the re-accrediatation for 2 years with my 17 page workbook. We also have a “Brewster Inn Newbie” web page added dedicated to people that have never been to a B&B before. There are plenty of misconceptions like  thinking they are coming into someones home and that webpage will help help i hope to greatly lay to rest any fears or thoughts potential guests might have that would stop them wanting to come and stay.

I’ve  added plenty of additions to the Inn and the guest rooms this year like 32 and 26″ LCD TV’s, HD cable boxes and Ipod/Iphone clock radio docking stations. The Game room and Honeymoon Suite even have small fridges and microwaves too.

The garden will be finished this year once we get the large original fountain and pond reinstalled courtesy of Windswept Gardens who like they say on their website “Create the Wow”! I planted 24 lilac bushes last year around the perimiter which i’m hoping will start to bloom this year. Got another 30 or so bushes to plant later this year as i continue to re-create the garden as it used to be. Oh and  we cut down 57 trees last year too, but thats ok as they were never here when the State Governor and Washington Senator Ralph Owen Brewster lived here anyway. He had lilacs and no trees and thats why i’m putting it all back like it used to be. Pics will be forthcoming once the snow goes, whenever that is.

More updates in my next post