So what am I going to blog about this year at the Brewster Inn Dexter Maine? I’ve decided anything and everything. Of course there’s going to be updates about whats happening at the Brewster Inn, but I’m also going to expand it. I’m going to write about events and happenings in the area including the city of Bangor that’s only 40min from here. I’m going to tell you about businesses that I work with locally that provide services for my guests whether you want to know about the restaurants I enjoy going to or where do you rent snowmobiles in the area, where is  the best river to be white water rafting and of course if you want to see moose, who is the guide I recommend for that.

I’ll be telling you all about great hikes, scenery and attractions to see, museums, theatres, where can you see the remains of a crashed B52 bomber that is now a memorial site not too far from here, who are the bands playing at the Waterfront Concerts in Bangor this year. I might even occasionally give the odd review of a great product I’ve found. Some of my blog posts will include video including a complete video blog from time to time

The Brewster Inn Dexter Maine is a four season destination and I’m going to show you everything you can see and do in my part of Maine

In the 7  years I’ve been here, a lot has happened and I’ve learned a lot too. It’s been busy, incredibly busy actually, and the Brewster Inn keeps growing and getting busier every year, but now as I move into my next year here in Dexter, I’m hoping to free up some time to be able to make the blog more regular now. I’ve read up a lot of stuff on blogging from a lot of people that tell you the right way to do things. Well the best way to learn is to write, write and write, and that is what I’m going to do probably about once a week. If I miss a week, look for a couple the next week or so. Nothing too long, but just enough to give you good information hopefully each time you revisit the blog..

So what do you do now? Subscribe to the blog and read the next installment