The Brewster Inn Dexter Maine is incredibly happy to be a part of Google’s new app “Field Trip” available for IOS and Android. Field Trip is an excellent new discovery app showcasing great places to stay or eat and  things to see and do either in your home town or city or for when your traveling through a particular area. It’s perfect for discovering the hidden gems that you never knew about.  Best of all its free and that’s always good.

I’m lucky enough to be one of the writers for the app. I do this through Go Trippin which is one of the websites that feeds Field Trip. My page on the Go Trippin website will over time become an online concierge adding more reasons for my guests to come and stay here at the Brewster Inn


Heres a video that explains more


When your traveling through a particular area and you have notifications turned on within the app. You’ll find that you get notifications that are colourful cards giving information and photos on “discoveries”. There will also be driving and contact info and on some cards you might even find a tip or deal.  It’s a great app and well worth downloading to see what it can do.

The Go Trippin website that I write for that feeds Field Trip is a team effort by many innkeepers from all around America. When you visit that site, you’ll see drop down menus which have locations broken down into States and then towns or cities where the particular discoveries are . You’ll see the “Go Now” section which categorizes all the postings into different groups like “Go Eat, Go Stay, Go Play and Go Adventure”. Next there is a “Happenings” menu which features local happenings like (in my area) the Greater Bangor Beer Festival, The Maine Whoopie Pie Festival where thousands of people come to pay homage to Maine’s Whoopie Pie and the Piscataquis Balloon Festival. Lastly there’s the “Tips and Deals” section which will give you great insider tips and deals at particular places.

I’m excited to be a part of this and being able to show all my guests at the Brewster Inn Dexter just what there is to see and do in my part of Maine